Innocent, an unexpected figure, cast a mesmerizing spell with his enchanting operatic voice, silencing the crowd with his rendition of Lucio Dalla’s «Caruso,» a beloved Italian opera piece. Bruno’s expression at the judges’ table revealed Innocent’s meticulous attention to detail, from flawless phonetics to the richness of his tones. Innocent effortlessly embodied the passion and power of opera, blending tradition with breathtaking skill.
The audience watched in awe as Bruno leaned forward, rising from his seat with arms outstretched, swept up by Innocent’s soaring chorus. As the performance reached its dramatic crescendo, Bruno praised Innocent, calling his performance «truly special — you are extraordinary.» Alesha Dixon found it «overwhelming» and «divine,» while Amanda Holden declared Innocent the finest opera singer in Britain’s Got Talent’s 17-season history.
Originally from South Africa and now based in London, 33-year-old Innocent Masuku won hearts the moment he stepped on stage in a shirt made by his mother, securing a unanimous ‘Yes’ from the judges and advancing to the next round of the competition.